We've been accepting Fall Sweaters and Flannels since July of last year and we've been consigning and selling Heavy Winter clothing and outerwear since September of last year!
It's time to move on from Winter (Consignments that is) and start getting ready for the green of Spring!
So - Saturday January 11th will be the last day to consign Fall and Winter Apparel. We'll continue to accept "Winter Equipment" until the end of February.
Starting Tuesday, January 14th, we'll begin consigning Spring merchandise! Including: Clothing, Home Decor, Easter Decorations, Spring Sports and yes - Prom Dresses! It will go on display in March!
What about the cold weather we're still facing? Don't worry, we have plenty of inventory left to help keep you warm until Spring arrives, then leaves, then comes back again, like it does every year!
Get your consignments ready for the whole year by checking out the "Seasonal Schedule" under "Consign With Us" here on our website!